ZeroZero Pickup & Drop-Off Locations are where you can conveniently pick up your item, drop off your item, or collect cash from your ZeroZero Wallet.
Please note that you will be required to present a valid ID and verify your account by showing it at the time of pickup/drop-off.
ZeroZero HQ, Rruga MARIGONA RESIDENCE, 1000, Prishtine
Maxx Store - Prishtina Mall: Rruga M2 (Prishtine - Ferizaj), Prishtine, Kosova
Maxx Store - Albi Mall: Zona e Re Industriale, Veternik, Kosova
Maxx Store - Royal Mall: Rruga B, Prishtine, Kosova
Maxx Store - Union Center: Sheshi Ibrahim Rugova, Prishtine, Kosova